Man riding Brompton bike under subway tunnel Man and woman riding Brompton bikes

Take a Brompton for a spin

Taking a test ride is easy. We just need three things: a photo ID, a debit / credit card (it's free, it's just for security), and you.

We recommend you wear something comfortable to ride in - we’ll take care of the rest. 

 Ride the whole Brompton range for up to 15 minutes each. Insiders tip: we're less busy on weekdays, so you might get a bit longer if you come in then.  

We can’t wait to see you. 


Step 1.

Pop into a Brompton junction store or your local gold dealer - you just need a debit/credit card and photo ID.

Step 2.

Speak to one of our friendly staff members and choose which models (A, C, P, T, G or Electric) you would like to test ride

Step 3.

Complete a short form, grab a helmet and feel the magic of riding and folding/unfolding our most versatile bike yet.

Two women riding on Brompton bikes


Our most frequently asked questions about a Brompton folding bike.

Which folding bike is right for me?
How do I know if my local dealer offers test rides?
When will the G Line be available to test ride?
Where can I test ride the G Line?
Can I pre-order the G Line in store?
Will I be able to try different sizes?
What if I experience a puncture during the test ride?

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