activism activism


We believe in cities designed for people. For us, active travel and green space are at the top of our minds because they increase the well-being of people and the planet. Burn calories not fossil fuels? Safer riding and walking routes for everyone who can? Street plans that prioritise people over cars? Yes to all of that. And more. It's our duty to use our voice and actions to champion the things we believe in.

Our cities are killing us

World car free day

Let's get bikes out there

From doctors to receptionists. From shift workers to busy parents. From young to old. Everywhere you look in the city, people go from A to B, and even A to Z. And it's not always easy. We're working with NHS foundations, active travel charities and local councils to help improve people's every day with Brompton bikes. Together with free loan bikes and cycle training, we can create healthier, happier cities for all.
Image of NHS staff in the UK with a free loan Brompton bike

our pillars of sustainability

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